
between peanut butter and nutella

My default cake is brownies and my default bread filling is peanut butter. I really love the salty-sweet taste of peanut butter and this is my favourite.
"Super Chunk, every bite never flat"

Yes, this one was tempting. But this one, you can not resist either. Nutella. Gosh! Nutella just like your little black dress, always perfect. I was collecting Nutella from every country that I visited, ahahha, such a kids, but I am growing up kids. Na-ah! We do not need argue with this tempting sensation :$.

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Luckily,  my best inspiration blog A Beatiful Mess share how to make your own peanut butter and 'drum roll' yes! Nutella! You can check it Make your own peanut butter. Try it as soon as possible. Heaven sensation in your hand. Happy Earth Day! 

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